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Siri Persediaan UKKM & PKSK 2025
UKKM & PKSK 2025 Preparatory Series

Siri yang menjadi pilihan sejak 2021 bagi mereka yang akan menduduki ujian UKKM & PKSK. Terdapat empat buku dalam siri ini, digubal khas agar murid dapat sedikit gambaran ujian sebenar kelak. Buku Tetragon & Pentagon adalah untuk persediaan UKKM manakala Octagon adalah persediaan untuk PKSK. Naskah Hexagon pula adalah untuk kedua-dua UKKM & PKSK.
The most sought after series since 2021 for those sitting for the UKKM & PKSK exams. There are four books in this series, meticulously crafted, to ensure pupils gets a general picture of the actual exam. Tetragon & Pentagon are for UKKM while the Octagon is for PKSK. The Hexagon book is for both UKKM & PKSK.

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Siri Bahasa Melayu Harimau Cendekia 456
Bahasa Melayu Cendekia 456 Series

Mempelajari Bahasa Melayu menjadi lebih mudah dan berkesan dengan siri Cendekia. Dirumus khas utuk murid Tahap 2 (tahun 4,5 & 6) sekolah KSSR KPM dan juga untuk murid yang mengikuti silibus Primary Cambridge Stage 4,5 & 6. Terdapat enam buku dalam siri dwibahasa ini.
Learning Bahasa Melayu becomes easier and more effective with teh Cendekia series. Formulated for Stage 2 (years 4,5 & 6) KSSR KPM pupils as well as those following the primary Cambridge syllabus in Stages 4,5 & 6. There are six books in this dual language series.

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Kombo Intensif Matematik Tahun 6
KSSR Year 6 Mathematics Intensive Combo

Sangatlah kritikal untuk anak-anak tahun 6 tingkatkan tahap penguasaan Matematik untuk UPSA, UASA, UKKM & PKSK. Kombo Buku Harimau Intensif Matematik berikut dapat bantu anak tingkatkan TP Matematik dengan berkesan. Ada tiga buku dalam kombo iaitu Harimau Genius T6, Harimau DHM T6 dan Harimau Bantu Pulih Empat Topik Kritikal (Pecahan/Perpuluhan/Peratus/NisbahKadaran).
It's extremely critical for year 6'ers to elevate and improve their Matematics performance level for UPSA, UASA, UKKM & PKSK. The Buku Harimau Intensive Maths Combo will enable pupils to do just this. There are three books in this combo Harimau Genius T6, Harimau DHM T6 dan Harimau Bantu Pulih Empat Topik Kritikal (Fraction/Decimal/Percentage/RatioRates)

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Siri Baru Daily Harimau Maths Dwibahasa (dalam BM & BI)
The New Daily Harimau Maths Dual-Language (DLP) Series (in BM & BI)

Satu hari satu soalan untuk 275 hari. Siri koleksi soalan harian ini digubal khas untuk meningkatkan tahap penguasaan (TP) matematik murid. Terbaik untuk semua murid SK atau SJK. Juga sesuai untuk anak-anak homeschool yang mengikuti silibus Singapura Primary atau silibus Primary Cambridge.
One question per day for 275 days. This daily question collection series is designed to improve pupil's mathematics performace level (PL). Best for all SK or SJK pupils. Also suitable for homeschoolers following the Singapore Primary or Cambridge Primary syllabuses.

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Siri Latihan Topikal Matematik Harimau KSSR
Matematik Harimau KSSR Topical Exercise Series

Siri latihan topikal dwibahasa Harimau ini digubal berpandukan buku teks semakan terbaru Matematik KSSR. Terdapat enam buku dalam siri ini dari Tahun 1 sehingga Tahun 6. Semua soalan dalam dwibahasa.
Topical dual-language exercises based on the newly revised Matematik KSSR text book. There are six books in thsi series from Year 1 to Year 6. All questions are in dual-language.

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Nothing beats the good old physical book. As an independent publisher, Harimau authors, publishes, prints, distributes, and markets our educational titles. All of our books strictly comforms to the relevant authority's curriculum namely KSSR, KSSM, CIE, IGCSE, PSLE & SD/MI.

Educational Worksheet Store

At times a worksheet works better than a book in keeping up with drills and exercises. They are lightweight, easy to bring anywhere and handy to use whenever and wherever. We publish educational worksheet, an affordable and convenient learning tool.

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The flexibility to access educational materials anytime, anywhere is an essential aspect in developing an academically inclined individual. Harimau develops, markets and manages our own e-learning websites. They serve either a niche area of study or a niche grouping of students.

Malay/English Mastery

Mastering both Bahasa Melayu and the English Language is essential in the process of learning. Students must be proficient in both languages. Harimau advocates mastering dwibahasa or dual language as it facilitates global communication and access to information.